Would it be possible to remove 'Before discount' because when there is a discount, the price excluding tax after the discount is applied appears in this column?
Modification de l'intitulé de la colonne "total HT avant remise" sur devis/factures
Serait-il possible de supprimer "Avant remise" car lorsqu'il y a une remise, le prix HT après application de la remise apparaît dans cette colonne.
Thank you for your idea.
We have translated it to English and it is now public in the portal so all users can vote and comment.
Your idea will be reviewed together with all other ideas and taken into consideration on our current plans to enhance Sage Active.
We encourage you to keep sharing and voting ideas so we can make Sage Active better together.
Hi, Thanks for your feedback.
This will been modified in the March release.
Thank you
Product team